Does cosmetic tattooing hurt?

A topical numbing is used before and during the procedure to make you comfortable, however, pain tolerance varies from client to client. Having the procedure during your menstrual cycle may increase your sensitivity.

Factors that affect the longevity of your cosmetic tattoo:

◦    Skin type (oily, normal, dry, or combination)

◦    Lifestyle, age, metabolism, environment, and medications.

Pre care:

◦    Do not drink caffeine, or alcohol or take pain medications 24 hours prior to appointment. These can cause excessive bleeding and affect the results of your cosmetic tattoo.

◦    No Botox, fillers, Microdermabrasion, chemical peels, or anything of the like for at least 2 weeks prior to your procedure, and also two weeks after.

◦    Stop the use of Retin-A on or around the area 2 weeks prior to appointment.

◦    It is not necessary to wax, thread or tweeze your brows before the procedure. I will get rid of any hair outside of the shape I create.

Post Care:

◦    Rinse brows with lukewarm water and dab dry every 30 minutes 5 times after your procedure

◦    After rinsing them 5 times leave them as dry as possible until scabs fall off (1-2 weeks depending on the client’s skin type)

◦    Clients still need to keep dry in the shower... steamy hot showers will cause the pores to open and scabs soften, so to be cautious, no extra steamy hot showers!! Avoid the water ESPECIALLY shampoo and conditioner running down.. that'll cause color discoloration!

◦    No sweating until scabs fall off

◦    No sauna, hot tub, pool, ocean, etc.

◦    Do not pick, rub, or scratch scabs! Avoid sleeping on the face.

◦    Avoid direct sun exposure for 2 weeks

◦    No anti-aging or acne products on them ever!! It will cause fading very quickly. This is anything with chemical exfoliants such as Retinol, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, etc

◦    Do not put anything on the brows. Once they are scabbed over if you need to relieve any itchiness or dryness you can dab some Aquaphor on them.

How long does the appointment take?

Initial appointments take approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. This includes the designing process, numbing the area, and the Semi-Permanent Cosmetics procedure. Follow-up sessions take approximately 1 hour.

I have had my brows tattooed before, can you fix them/touch them up?

I require that anyone who has had their brows tattooed previously by another artist text me a picture before booking an appointment This way we can discuss the price, and your options and schedule sufficient time.

You cannot receive semi-permanent cosmetics if you are:

◦    Pregnant/breastfeeding

◦    Are currently using Accutane or have used Accutane within the past year

◦    Have a freshly tanned/sunburned face

◦    Are on blood-thinning medications or antibiotics

◦    Are currently undergoing cancer treatment

◦    Must be off Chemo or Radiation for 6 months